Why sail around Britain now?

Post date: Feb 18, 2010 5:3:43 AM

For starters, I could do it on my own boat. Not an ideal boat for serious coastal passages but still quite feasible. After all, people have sailed around Britain in much less. Other advantages include the fact that you are never far from home or land and you can stop and start pretty much any time and place you like to adjust to our ever changing, unpredictable weather conditions. But the biggest win must surely be that you get to see our glorious island from every angle.

The major difficulty to overcome is how to get the time to do it as we normally have responsibilities (earning money, mostly) that cannot yield to extended absenteeism! For me, however, this and other hurdles seem to have conspired to all but melt away in 2015. I find myself presented with the situation where my wife is supportive, my children have (more or less) grown up, my job (I run my own business, with partners) can take a temporary back seat, my sailing experience is quite adequate, my fitness levels are good and my financial affairs are not bad.

So now seems to be the perfect time. Better take advantage while it lasts.

Shall I go for it?

I think I shall!