The great escape

Post date: Jun 03, 2015 2:6:18 PM

Bye bye north coast! Boy am I glad to see the back of that. The passage was a long one 106 miles in 24 hours - I wanted to get as far away as possible in the available weather window. Read all about it in my passage 18 notes - at the end as it's preceeded by all my adventures, ahem, in Scrabster.

Passage 18 took me well down the west coast to Loch Ewe where I had an idyllic anchorage in which to ride out two gales before setting off for Kyleakin 50 miles further on. I've written up my stay in Loch Ewe, which includes an exciting trek to Inverewe (botanical gardens), and my subsequent sail to Kyleakin in my passage 19 notes.

Sorry to harp on about it, but it's literally Winter still up here. It hailed on me the other day. And I'm still putting on, let me see now, SEVEN layers of clothing just to keep the cold out.

Stage 2 is all but complete, and let me tell you, summer better arrive by stage 3 (July) or else, well, or else I'll be very upset!