6th preparatory visit + test sail
Post date: Apr 13, 2015 6:41:29 AM
This was my last visit to the boat before I go. I got most of the electrical work I had planned done.
I spent 2 days there as I went for a test sail (1st time this year) with Rich in the river Crouch. It was very windy! SW, Force 6 gusting 7 so we had a lively time going up and down the river. Boat seemed to behave itself, which is a relief.
This week, the boatyard will pressure wash the hull as well as fix a couple of last minute things. I'll go down this coming Saturday 18th when I'll also need to complete a few jobs. It may be I will not get these done before the end of the day meaning that I will leave on Sunday 19th. We'll see.
Very annoyingly my new solar installation stopped working and I am going to have to replace the controller. Bright sunshine and it was sucking 0.1 amp from my battery! Tut tut.
I've really needed the last 2 months of preparation - it's been a task in itself. But I'm nearly ready!